Tag Archives: Wellness

Bailey’s Corner: Run in the Snow/Take a Nap

My dog, Bailey, is a constant inspiration to me. Not only is she my best friend, she is my writing companion, a muse, comfort when I am low, humor to keep me going, and often a source of encouragement and motivation in my daily life. I think dogs have life much more figured out than…
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Wounds and Words

“Write hard and clear about what hurts.” —Ernest Hemingway On a recent trip to the grocery store, I overheard a conversation between a man and his wife while standing behind them in the checkout line. The man, probably in his mid-thirties, complained to his wife about a last minute report he had to write for…
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Think Your Kid is Drinking Milk? Think Again….

A friend of mine shared a link to this article on Facebook this morning, and I was instantly appalled. (Although, sadly, not surprised.) Aspartame in milk? Seriously?!? Why is it that our country is making it harder and harder to eat wholesome, natural foods? Is it any wonder that there has been a huge spike…
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Warming Up to Workplace Wellness

EVERYONE WITH A JOB OR WITH AN EMPLOYEE - IT'S TIME TO PAY ATTENTION! At least 68% of adults and 17% of children in the US are obese or overweight.* Physical inactivity and poor diet cause more than 400,000 deaths each year.** Health care costs are reaching peak numbers in US history, and employers are…
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What’s With the Fitness Stuff?

I've been asked why there have been more articles about fitness related things both on this blog and on the  SP Facebook page. I believe that health & fitness should be a component of all the arts.  How can you whole-heartedly create if your body and mind are not working at their best possible status?…
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Zumba Survival Tips

There is no denying it - Zumba is a great workout.  Burning 700-1000 calories an hour, while making you feel like you're in a dance club instead of the gym, the reason for the popularity is obvious.  But if you've never tried it before, making it through that first Zumba class can be a little…
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