Tag Archives: Theater

Taming the Wild, Wild West in a Dress Set

[caption id="attachment_210" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Opening Saloon Set for Taming the Wild, Wild West in a Dress"][/caption] So I've had a few requests for pictures of the set we used for Taming the Wild, Wild West.  Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate the usual good shots I normally have of our sets.  But, I…
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On Golden Pond

Footlighters Theater Group presents On Golden Pond! Jean DeLollo Theater Calvary United Methodist Church 15 Ridge Place Latham, NY November 6, 7, 13, 14, 2009 7:30 pm (Doors open 7:00pm) November 7, 2009 2:00pm (Doors open 1:30pm) Directed by Sky Vogel and starring Michael F. Hayes, Paula Ginder, Edmund Metzgold, Mindy Miner, Zachary Pearson, and…
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Auditions for On Golden Pond

Footlighters Theater Group has a couple of roles left to fill for this Fall's production of On Golden Pond.  If you are in the Capital District area in NY, and are interested in participating in the show, please contact us at Footlighters1@yahoo.com. Rehearsals are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings. Performances are the first two weekends…
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Taming the Wild, Wild West in a Dress

[caption id="attachment_167" align="aligncenter" width="211" caption="Lady Claire & Colt Revolver, Jr."][/caption] [caption id="attachment_168" align="alignright" width="189" caption="Rhoda Steed & Russell Grub"][/caption] Just wanted to send out a big thank you to all of you who supported Footlighters' spring production of Taming the Wild, Wild West in a Dress! The show ended up being a successful comeback for…
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Deep Breath

In light of my recent return to the stage, I thought this excerpt from an old essay I wrote would be an interesting addition to the collection. It was written quite a few years ago, but the basic idea behind it most certainly still rings true today. I think any actor with a love for…
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Comedy Showing This Weekend

There is a fun comedy theater production opening this weekend - Taming the Wild, Wild West in a Dress by Billy St. John.  Set in 1895 Lucky Lady, Nevada, a young actor and his troupe travel to Lucky Lady to collect an inheritance bequeathed to him by a great, great aunt he never met. But…
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