Tag Archives: Multitasking

Easy Habits to Boost Productivity

  Are you struggling with that to-do list? With work, home, family, friends, and responsibilities that need to be tended to, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and under productive. The good news is that by changing some habits you can boost your productivity and get more done in less time!    Prioritize your to-do list. …
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Project: Organize – The Almighty List

So we already know that I made the decision to enroll myself in a project to "organize" this year. The decision part was easy. The where-to-start part proved a little harder. So I started with what I always do - A List. My husband is perplexed with my obsession with lists. I have lists everywhere. I…
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Project: Organize – The Decision

I ADMIT IT - I CAN BE A PERFECTIONIST. I've recently been forced to take a step back and look at my life. When it comes to myself and my journey through life, I have very high expectations. With other people, I'm much more flexible. I do not expect them to be perfect. I don't…
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