Tag Archives: Life

Prom Tips

[caption id="attachment_952" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo Courtesy of Saratoga.com[/caption] Looking for some tips on how to look great while dancing at the prom? How about the best way to dance in a fancy dress or tux? Feeling nervous about getting out there on that floor? For what to expect on the dance floor at this year's…
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Just a Thought: A Different Perspective

Our society tends to be very linear these days. There seems to be a regulation or procedure for everything. Social media is overflowing with people constantly arguing about which side is "right" or "wrong." Why does there always only have to be just one answer? The beauty in this world comes from the differences. Some…
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Project: Organize – The Almighty List

So we already know that I made the decision to enroll myself in a project to "organize" this year. The decision part was easy. The where-to-start part proved a little harder. So I started with what I always do - A List. My husband is perplexed with my obsession with lists. I have lists everywhere. I…
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New Year, New You – Blah Blah Blah

I've been seeing it everywhere - "New Year, New You!" Initially, it's a nice sentiment - It's a fresh year, make a fresh start. Now is your chance for a change. But let's face it - we all know those New Year's resolutions are pretty much shot by March. And what really changes? You're still…
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Happy New Year!

All of us here at Silverpen Productions, LLC would like to thank you for your ongoing support.  Our clients, subscribers, supporters, and friends have always meant so much to us over the years.  We greatly appreciate your patronage and we wish you and your family a very Happy 2014, filled with health, joy, and peace!…
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Quote of the Day

"Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives -  Choice, not chance, determines your destiny." -Aristotle
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Project: Organize – The Decision

I ADMIT IT - I CAN BE A PERFECTIONIST. I've recently been forced to take a step back and look at my life. When it comes to myself and my journey through life, I have very high expectations. With other people, I'm much more flexible. I do not expect them to be perfect. I don't…
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Chin Up

See The Blue Beyond The Trees We've all heard them before - "Stop & smell the roses." "Slow and steady win the race." "Chin up," etc. But what about, "See the blue beyond the trees?" I went for a mini hike with my family this past weekend. Things have been mighty crazy lately, so the…
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Quote of the Day

"Acceptance doesn't mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and there's got to be a way through it." -Michael J. Fox
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Bailey’s Corner: Sometimes You Just Have to Rip a Toy

Do you ever get that crazy pent up energy feeling?  Either the super happy, feelin' great, life's good feeling where you want to just zoom around and around the house, barking the entire time? Or, the super frustrated, I can't take it anymore, about to claw my way up the wall, not-so-good feeling? Either way…
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