Tag Archives: Jenna E. Caputo

Picking a First Dance

Spring is here and that means that wedding season is starting to kick into full swing. The big day is coming soon and now is the time that many couples start panicking about their First Dance. Some couples know what song they want instantly. Others can never seem to find just the right song. And…
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In a Nation of Fear, United We Stand

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' To this day, especially in times of  'disaster,' I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are…
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See The Rainbows?

"See the Rainbows, Mama? Seeee??" What is it that children have that always allows them to see the magic in the most seemingly ordinary things? Do they have special eyes that we slowly lose over time? Or is it merely that they have not yet become jaded as adults do, and are therefore just able…
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How Do the Performing Arts Serve the Larger Community?

A while back I posted on here about an interview I participated in for a student's senior project. I happened upon this again recently and thought I would continue to post a couple of the questions since they are still very relevant today. 2. How do you think dance/teaching/performance/the Performing Arts in general serves the…
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Website Updates

Over the next several weeks, SP will be making some organizational changes and updates to the website.  During this time, you may notice that some of the menus may be different on various pages, graphics may not be consistent, some pages may contain older material, and/or some pages may temporarily not work at all. We…
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Dreaded RSV

It was one of every parents' nightmares—my little girl was in the hospital, looking so tiny and helpless in that huge bed, hooked up to an IV and oxygen. How did we go from my crazy, nonstop kid to this in just a matter of days?? After a week of being sick, 2 doctor visits,…
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Bailey’s Corner: Run in the Snow/Take a Nap

My dog, Bailey, is a constant inspiration to me. Not only is she my best friend, she is my writing companion, a muse, comfort when I am low, humor to keep me going, and often a source of encouragement and motivation in my daily life. I think dogs have life much more figured out than…
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Think Your Kid is Drinking Milk? Think Again….

A friend of mine shared a link to this article on Facebook this morning, and I was instantly appalled. (Although, sadly, not surprised.) Aspartame in milk? Seriously?!? Why is it that our country is making it harder and harder to eat wholesome, natural foods? Is it any wonder that there has been a huge spike…
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To Dance Like a Child

Have you ever watched a child? Every move they make is instinctual and pure. Most of the time, they're not even conscious of what they are doing. They just move when it seems right. Sometimes it may get them into trouble, but usually, it's just what the body is meant to do. Stand back and…
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The Flurry Hits Saratoga

LIKE MUSIC?  LIKE DANCE? Then you have to be in Saratoga, NY this weekend for the 26th Annual Flurry Festival, February 15th-17th, 2013. From 7pm on Friday through 6pm Sunday, The Flurry is a celebration of dance and music from around the world and offers almost non-stop workshops and performances throughout downtown. With events for every level…
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