Recent Posts by Silverpen

New Design

Thank you to everyone for your patience and well wishes as we have welcomed the new addition to our family! We are excited with this new beginning as well as the fun new beginnings to come for Silverpen Productions! The first one is the new design of the blog to go with the new website…
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Delay in Posts

Thank you to everyone that has been tuning in to the Silverpen Productions Blog -  We greatly appreciate all of our readers and clients! We are very sorry that there have not been many posts lately.  We have welcomed a new baby to our family, and have taken a little time off to enjoy our…
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Quote of the Day

"The role of the writer is not to say what all can say but what we are unable to say." -Anais Nin
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How Easy It Is to Look Down the Slippery Slope of a Nose

I overheard two guys talking the other day. They were discussing a mutual friend's new girlfriend. It came out that she had dropped out of school after a year and had been working an office job until recently.  She has not yet found a new job and has been cleaning houses in the meantime. They…
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Quote of the Day

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
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National Dance Day

Executive Producer of Fox's So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD), Nigel Lythgoe, has started a grassroots initiative to encourage the nation to move. Declaring July 31st as National Dance Day, Lythgoe hopes that individuals, communities, organizations, and families will come together and express themselves through dance.  However, this grassroots experiment is quickly turning into…
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Recent Comments by Silverpen