Recent Posts by Silverpen

Moving Offices

Silverpen Productions is on the move! We will be with extremely limited connection for the next couple of weeks as we move to the new office.  We appreciate your patience with any delay in returning messages that may result! We'll send out the new contact info once we are up and running again. Hope everyone…
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Quote of the Day – RIP Steve Jobs

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' options drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already…
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Quote of the Day

"Knowledge is learning something new every day. Wisdom is letting go of something every day." -Zen Proverb
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September 11, 2011

Today we honor those Who lost lives, Saved lives, And had their lives forever changed. And to a country that banded together during a time of incredible tragedy. Ten years later, it is still unbelievable. Never Forget.
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Quote of the Day

"If your happiness is based on external experience, then, my darling, you are fucked." -Gabrielle Bernstein
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Arsenic In Apple Juice??

China Really Is Trying to Poison Us! We've all heard the news stories about our products from China.  How could we not when there seems to be something new every other week? I thought the lead poisoned children's toys were bad, but now I find out there are high levels of ARSENIC in apple juice!…
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Patti Rothberg Performing at Ballston Spa Film Festival

As part of the three day long festival, the Ballston Spa (International) Film Festival (BSFF) is pleased to announce the performance of chart topping musician, Patti Rothberg, on Friday, August 5, 2011, 11:00pm at Sunset Cafe in Ballston Spa. Patti Rothberg exploded onto the music scene with her 1996 debut album, Between the 1 and…
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Hollywood Comes to Town at the Ballston Spa Film Festival

HOLLYWOOD COMES TO TOWN...AGAIN As Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, and Eva Mendes roll into town to shoot their movie, The Place Beyond the Pines, in Schenectady County, we are reminded once again how much Hollywood loves the Capital District. Many films have been shot throughout the area over the years, including Seabiscuit, Salt, Scent of…
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Quote of the Day

"Frustration is a positive emotion experienced Negatively.  One feels frustration only when one is close to succeeding." -Grace Burton
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New Blog Features

We've got some new features on the Silverpen Productions Blog! You've probably already noticed the "Quote of the Day".  You will also be seeing "Just a Thought..." and "Spotlights". Just a Thought will encompass a lot of things, but in general presents a viewpoint of a particular issue for consideration. Spotlights will feature a studio,…
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Recent Comments by Silverpen