Advice for Entering the Arts

I recently was interviewed for a student's senior project. She had some really great questions which I thought I would periodically share here, because I feel that sometimes the Performing Arts get lost in the shuffle these days, and there are a lot of important things to consider. 

1. Any advice for someone entering the Performing Arts business?

  • Always be positive and have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Tell yourself that you can do it!
  • Always keep trying to better yourself and your craft. Don't become lazy thinking that you already know all there is to know, because there is always something more that you can learn or perfect.
  • Remember that with enough determination and hard work, it is possible to achieve your dreams. However, be prepared for it to be hard. It can be very rewarding, but it is usually a rough road that is also paved with doubters and people trying to get in your way that just don't understand. If you truly believe in yourself, then you have to push all their comments aside and focus on your path ahead.
  • It can be very hard on the wallet, so be prepared for that as well! There is nothing wrong with a backup plan and/or backup funds.  In fact, it is always highly advised no matter how successful you are and no matter what field you are in. 
  • Regardless of where your performance journey takes you, always, always enjoy the process of getting there. That's where all your memories will lie and that's where your ultimate satisfaction will stem from.

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