200 Songs for 200 Klicks – Help Fight Cancer a Musical Way

A friend of mine has decided to enter The Ride to Conquer Cancer in his own unique and compelling way.

Brian Chick will be participating in a 200km bike ride this June 2010 to raise money for the Princess Margarett Hospital Foundation for cancer research. As part of the team, "The Eradicators," Brian hopes to personally contribute at least $3000 to help add to his team's goal of $25,000.

But raising money is not enough. Brian wants to also help raise awareness to the cause and maybe to even "bring some light into some peoples' lives." So, from now until the race, Brian is accepting song dedications from anyone who is interested (no donation required). The process is easy - pick a song that holds some meaning, dedicate to someone you know who is battling or has battled caner, and send the request in.

35 songs are already posted. Check them out at http://200songs.left-button.com/ .  Even if you do not know anyone with cancer, this is an entertaining site. And if you do, then click the request button, and send in something fun for Brian to sing. There is also a spot to send in a donation if you would like to contribute to the Ride to Conquer Cancer Benefit.

200 Songs for 200 Klicks

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